The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 43)

C o m i ng with your family The above information relates to researchers and those PhD students who benefit from the scientist's procedure. G UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE RIGHTS OF FOREIGN NATIONALS Unemployment Researchers who have a validated visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour (VLS-TS), CESEDA R311-3 9° can work in France. In accordance with the legislation in force, these scientists do not have open access to the labour market as they are only entitled to perform specific work that is carried out in those establishments which have been authorised to issue conventions d'accueil. Decree no. 2014-921 of 18 August 2014 modified certain provisions concerning the right of residence and right of work of certain categories of foreign nationals, particularly researchers. Thus, article R. 313-11 of the CESEDA has been modified to permit third-country nationals present in France as holders of a residence permit marked 'scientist' (art. L. 313-8) to be able to renew their residence permit in the case of the unintentional loss of work (end of a fixed-term contract). The length of this residence permit depends on the length of your compensation (unemployment benefits) From now on, researchers who are third-country nationals can register as jobseekers and claim unemployment benefit. Documents to be presented with your application After the preregistration procedure by telephone, you are required to attend an interview, the date and time of which are specified in the letter that you receive by post. You must take with you to the interview the unemployment benefit application form, completed, dated, and signed, as well as several other documents. Documents required for registration as unemployed: o valid passport o registration documents concerning family births, marriages, and deaths o birth certificate o titre de séjour for those foreign workers who are citizens of non-European Union countries o one or more "attestation d'employeurs", a yellow form which is completed by your former employer o your social security card (carte vitale) If the job seeker does not have this card they can provide an attestation issued by their local Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie as evidence of the fact that they belong to the state social security insurance scheme and thus that they have an individual identification number. If the period covered by the carte vitale has expired, the application is allowable but the applicant must provide an attestation from their Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie. o a relevé d'identité bancaire / postal (a code which transmits information regarding your personal bank details). To register as unemployed, the first thing to do is to contact a Pôle Emploi office, which is the government organisation responsible for the registration of job seekers and the payment of unemployment benefit. Registration as a jobseeker on the Pôle Emploi website ( must be done the day after the end of the employment contract. After the validation of this online registration, the jobseeker is invited to attend for interview. You can also register with the Pôle Emploi by telephone by calling 3949. If your last registration as a job seeker was less than 6 months previously, you will be re-registered by the teleadvisor without having to go to a Pôle Emploi office. When you have been registered as a job seeker, an appointment will be made for you to see an employment advisor. Pôle emploi (Job Centre), a streamlined service: For information about finding a job and benefits, call 3949 or visit: 43

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Sommaire : Fr
Présentation de Rennes
A La ville de Rennes
B Le Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes
Formalités d’entrée et de séjour
A Obtenir un visa
B Obtenir un titre de séjour
S’assurer et se soigner
A Sécurité sociale et assurance santé
B L'accès aux soins
Se loger
A Chercher un logement
B Informations pratiques
C Avant l’installation
D Garantie et caution solidaire
Banque et argent
A Ouvrir un compte
B Coût de la vie
C Impôts
D Retraites
Venir avec sa famille
A Démarches administratives
B Système éducatif
C Scolarité
D Modes de garde des enfants en bas âge
E Travail pour les conjoints
F Allocations familiales
G Chômage et droits des étrangers
Vie quotidienne
A Se restaurer
B Se déplacer
C Apprendre le français
D Communiquer
Temps libre : culture, loisirs, activités sportives
A Centres d’information
B Evénements culturels
C Loisirs, détente
D Activités sportives
Contacts utiles
Table of contents : En
Welcome to Rennes
A The city of Rennes
B The Rennes International Mobility Centre
Entry and residency formalities
A Obtaining a visa
B Obtaining un titre de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A Social security and health insurance
B Access to health care
A Finding somewhere to live
B Practical information
C Before moving in
D Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A Opening an account
B The cost of living
C Income tax
D Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A Administrative procedures
B Educational system
C Schools
D Childcare facilities for young children
E Organising work for your spouse
F Family allowances/benefits
G Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A Eating
B Getting around
C Learning French
D Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A Where to get information
B Cultural events and festivals
C Leisure activities
D Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES