The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES - (Page 23)

H ea l th i n s u r anc e and health care Other social welfare provision Citizens of the European Union or the European Economic Area who benefit from their own country's social welfare system can have their health-care expenses reimbursed in France. Since 1 June 2004, European citizens who move around within the European Economic Area, i.e. the countries of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, for either personal or professional reasons, can benefit from a European health insurance card which facilitates the reimbursement of necessary medical treatment during their temporary stay. Each member state is responsible for the production and distribution of the European health insurance card on its territory. However, each country's card is identical in form and has the same technical features, and this enables the card to be immediately recognisable by the health-care providers to whom it is presented. This card is non-transferable and is valid for a year. o Researchers who do not come from an European Union country but whose home countries are signatories of bilateral social security agreements with France, and who themselves benefit from social security cover in their home country, can have their health-care expenses reimbursed in France. Before you leave your country, ask your social welfare organisation for information to ascertain whether this agreement includes health and accident insurance. If this is the case, you will be able to obtain the reimbursement of your health-care expenses by presenting the Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM)'s international relations service with written evidence of your affiliation to your home country's health insurance scheme along with written evidence of your expenses. o Before their departure, the researcher can sometimes contact, in their home country, a private insurance company which will provide health insurance cover for the stay in France. In this case, bring with you written proof of this company's cover, as this will exempt you from having to take out a new health insurance policy in France. o Several private French insurance companies offer insurance policies to people who are not legally required to contribute to the French social security scheme. In this case, it is necessary to study and compare the policies and prices offered by the different companies. B ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE Doctors and pharmacies recent health insurance reform has made it compulsory to choose a médecin traitant (attending physician) who is your usual or family doctor, and whose role is to coordinate the various consultations and examinations necessary when dealing with your health. This médecin traitant can be a general practitioner (GP), who deals with the whole range of health problems, or a specialist dealing with specific diseases or parts of the body. It is this médecin traitant that you must consult first of all. According to the health problem concerned, they will be able to refer you to the health professional who is best suited to treat your condition. Médecins non-conventionnés are doctors who have not signed an agreement (convention) with the state social security service, and who set their own charges (which are higher). There are very few of these médecins nonconventionnés in Rennes. Social security reimbursement is low, but a good supplementary health insurance may be able to refund these expenses. In France, medicines can only be bought at a pharmacy, and pharmacists are able to give advice as to what medicines to take for a specific problem. In the case of an emergency at night, at the weekend, and on public holidays, you can call an on call / duty doctor. (Emergency service telephone numbers are given on page 25). For further information: Find the list of médecins conventionnés in Rennes on There is freedom of choice of doctor in France, but the 23

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES

Sommaire : Fr
Présentation de Rennes
A La ville de Rennes
B Le Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes
Formalités d’entrée et de séjour
A Obtenir un visa
B Obtenir un titre de séjour
S’assurer et se soigner
A Sécurité sociale et assurance santé
B L'accès aux soins
Se loger
A Chercher un logement
B Informations pratiques
C Avant l’installation
D Garantie et caution solidaire
Banque et argent
A Ouvrir un compte
B Coût de la vie
C Impôts
D Retraites
Venir avec sa famille
A Démarches administratives
B Système éducatif
C Scolarité
D Modes de garde des enfants en bas âge
E Travail pour les conjoints
F Allocations familiales
G Chômage et droits des étrangers
Vie quotidienne
A Se restaurer
B Se déplacer
C Apprendre le français
D Communiquer
Temps libre : culture, loisirs, activités sportives
A Centres d’information
B Evénements culturels
C Loisirs, détente
D Activités sportives
Contacts utiles
Table of contents : En
Welcome to Rennes
A The city of Rennes
B The Rennes International Mobility Centre
Entry and residency formalities
A Obtaining a visa
B Obtaining un titre de séjour (residency permit)
Health insurance and health care
A Social security and health insurance
B Access to health care
A Finding somewhere to live
B Practical information
C Before moving in
D Deposit and co-signing
Banks and money
A Opening an account
B The cost of living
C Income tax
D Retirement pensions
Coming with your family
A Administrative procedures
B Educational system
C Schools
D Childcare facilities for young children
E Organising work for your spouse
F Family allowances/benefits
G Unemployment and the Rights of Foreigners
Daily life
A Eating
B Getting around
C Learning French
D Communicating
Free time : culture, leisure and sporting activities
A Where to get information
B Cultural events and festivals
C Leisure activities
D Sporting activities
Useful contacts

The International RESEARCHER and PhD STUDENT’s Guide to RENNES