No39 / March - April 2008 SPECIAL JEC COMPOSITES 2008 USERS’ PLATFORM Composites in the world Playing with the black fibre 100 Better acoustics for a concert hall 100 KNOW-HOW Composite tooloing Conclusive preliminary test for HexTOOL® 108 Edition 2008 JEC End-users Forums: access to strategic information ..60 Process JEC innovation awards programme 63 - Aeronautics and space - Automative and vehicles - Sport and leisure - Energy and industry - Environment - Construction and equipments RTM and 3D reinforcements: a technological breakout in solid-fuel propusion 110 Leather and fibres 101 No more excuses 101 Applications From motor sport to aerospace 102 Liquid composite moulding with honeycomb 113 - Process - Software - Special mention to an out-ofthe-ordinary project Next issue (No40) WIND ENERGY - May 2008 Aircraft interior Innovations 75 - Raw materials - Software - Production - Applications More than just a seat 104 Equipment - Non destructive control Business - Formula 1 - Carbon Feature - Wind energy Users’ platform - Automotive - Helmet Know-how - Tow placement - Thermoset No39 March - April 2008 / JEC Composites Magazine