Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - (Page 47)

E ML PO I THE «EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION» OBJECTIVE 1% € 12.5 M Total EU sum programmed for the theme (in million euros) Number of projects Amazonia - -  Deux Mers 1.82 3 France (Manche) - England 4.47 5 - -  France-Wallonia-Flanders 3.52 7 Greater Region (FR/LUX/BE/DE) 0.45 1 Upper Rhine (FR/DE) 0.14 1 10.40 17 - - Northwestern Europe 1.47 1 Mediterranean (MED) - - Southwestern Europe (SUDOE) - - 1.47 1 Indian Ocean  - - Combined subtotal  - - INTERREG IVC 0.59 5 Pan-European subtotal 0.59 5 OVERALL TOTAL 12.47 23 Programmes Percentage of the total ERDF programming for the European territorial cooperation objective devoted to the theme of "Improving access to employment and sustainability" Over the 2007-2013 programming period, 23 ETC projects came under the theme of «improving access to employment and sustainability». Only one of these projects was produced via a transnational programme (Northwestern Europe). 17 projects were implemented via cross-border programmes, and 5 via the pan-European INTERREG IV C programme. Where European Territorial Cooperation is concerned, the theme of access to employment and sustainability is not an issue which is tackled on a transnational basis, but rather at a cross-border or pan-European level. The largest number of projects were produced as part of the France-Wallonia-Flanders programme (7 projects). Indeed, one of the operational objectives of this programme is «Ensuring that available training more closely matches the requirements of the labour market». In terms of programmed ERDF funds for this theme, the sole project of the Northwestern Europe programme received €1.47 million of ERDF funding. However, this sum was atypical, with the average funding per ETC project being €542,000. The crossborder projects received an average of €610,000 in support while the average ERDF funding for projects in the INTERREG IVC programme totalled €118,000. France-Switzerland Cross-border subtotal Atlantic Area Transnational subtotal 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming

Improving institutional capacities at a national, regional and local level
Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR)
Technical assistance
Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit
The information Society
Environment and risk prevention
Urban/rural regeneration
Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers
Improving access to employment and sustainability
Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons
Development of human capital
Investments in social infrastructure
Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion

Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming

Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Cover (Page Cover)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 1)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 2)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Summary (Page 3)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Reducing costs hindering the development of outermost regions (OMR) (Page 4)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 5)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Technical assistance (Page 6)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 7)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 8)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 9)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Research, technological development and entrepreneurial spirit (Page 10)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 11)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 12)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 13)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - The information Society (Page 14)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 15)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 16)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 17)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Transport (Page 18)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 19)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 20)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 21)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 22)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Energy (Page 23)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 24)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 25)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 26)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Environment and risk prevention (Page 27)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 28)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 29)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 30)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Tourism (Page 31)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 32)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 33)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 34)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Culture (Page 35)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 36)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 37)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 38)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 39)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Urban/rural regeneration (Page 40)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 41)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 42)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 43)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the capacities of workers, companies and company managers (Page 44)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 45)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 46)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 47)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving access to employment and sustainability (Page 48)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 49)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 50)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 51)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Improving the social inclusion of disadvantaged persons (Page 52)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 53)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 54)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 55)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Development of human capital (Page 56)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 57)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Investments in social infrastructure (Page 58)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 59)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 60)
Thematic Overview 2007-2013 of The ERDF-ESF Programming - Promoting reforms in the fields of employment and social inclusion (Page 61)