
Zodiac Equipments Tunisieis set to obtain ISO 14001 certification in 2014 and, as part of a twinning project between Tunisia, Austria, France and Sweden, hosted a Tunisian-European team that came to assess chemical risks related to its activities. In addition, the Tunisian public authorities singled out the site for an award for its environmental management of waste and chemical products.


2,500 Zodiac Cabin & Structures employees participated in the exhibition organized by the department of Environment, Health & Safety for a day of awareness for the preservation of the environment, safety and health practices. The program included: interactive demonstrations on the impact of water pollution, simulations of “near accidents”, as well as professional advice on healthy living. In Auxerre, France, Zodiac Aircraft Systems employees participated in the second edition of the “Going to work without my car” challenge and an awareness campaign on alternative modes of transportation organized by the municipality.

The strength of our engagements

Zodiac Aerospace is involved in several committees and working bodies to dialogue with its counterparts, share lessons learned and best practices and formulate opinions on future regulations. It assists the French Aerospace Industries Association, as well as GITAS in Tunisia, in their work on the European REACH regulations (chemical products) and the drafting of professional guidelines, especially for creating a greenhouse gas emissions balance statement and eco-design. It participates in CORAC, Council for Civil Aeronautics Research, which brings together French players in the air transport, and in the demonstration platform GENOME (Optimized Energy Management - GEstioN OptiMisee de I'Energie). It is also a founding member of the IAEG (International Aerospace Environmental Group). The IAEG develops common environmental standards for the international aviation industry, and is associated with the European technology initiative Clean Sky, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of civil aviation and develop the engines, systems and aircraft of the future.

Detailed information on commitments for the Environment can be found in the section “Corporate Social Responsibility” on page 31 of the 2012/2013 Annual Report.