
The G5 Galley: a system pre-equipped with inserts and ready for service.

Jean-Michel Condamin

“With a competitive offer and competent teams that are geographically close to their customers and partners (manufacturers and airlines), Zodiac Galleys & Equipment offers a complete catalog of products to suit all commercial aircraft. As the global leader in the industry, we listen to our customers and are proud to contribute to added value in everyday life while developing the products of tomorrow.”

The demand for innovation and progress carried further

“Our global innovation approach, which involves our products and processes, is supported by teams that are driven to continually push the limits of their developments. Their priority: design innovative solutions while improving ergonomics, weight and durability of galleys and galley and cargo equipment. Their objective: to be the benchmark partner for aircraft manufacturers and airlines.

For our customers, we design and implement comprehensive solutions that are always better adapted and more operational. With unique opportunities for reconfiguration and customization, we also contribute to increase the value of aircraft re-use. We are also committed, with our colleagues Zodiac Seats, to improving passenger comfort without reducing the functionality and services our customers require.

Design, quality and durability are the strength of our offer Combined with the continuous improvement of the efficiency and suitability of our products, these advantages are the best guarantors of our leadership”

60 • TRAVEL JOURNAL 2012 • 2013